Baby balance bike is a no-pedal bike, kids need to use their own feet to reach the ground and move their feet to push the bike.
It not only exercise kids legs strength, but also teach them how to ride a bike. Most kids could have no fear and ride this bike easily
because they can place their feet solidly on the ground. If you baby can walk or start to walk, this bike would be a great gift for him/her
to start walking and riding, since this bike could help them enhance their balance, coordination, and steer abilities at early age.

Baby Balance Bike for Toddlers Who Learning to Walk

- Color: red / blue


1. Applicable Age: 1-3 years old; weight limit: less than 20 kg.
2. This commodity has no brake, it will move automatically on slopes and other places because of gravity and may not stop immediately. Please use it on flat ground.
3. This product is a toy, not suitable to be used as a traffic tool and ride on the highway.
4. The product should be installed by adults and can only be used under the direct supervision of adults, avoiding falls or collisions that cause damage to users or third parties.
5. Protective equipment should be worn.
291 瀏覽次數

Baby balance bike Red/Blue

已上傳至5 年 以前

Baby balance bike is a no-pedal bike, kids need to use their own feet to reach the ground and move their feet to push the bike.
It not only exercise kids legs strength, but also teach them how to ride a bike. Most kids could have no fear and ride this bike easily
because they can place their feet solidly on the ground. If you baby can walk or start to walk, this bike would be a great gift for him/her
to start walking and riding, since this bike could help them enhance their balance, coordination, and steer abilities at early age.

Baby Balance Bike for Toddlers Who Learning to Walk

- Color: red / blue


1. Applicable Age: 1-3 years old; weight limit: less than 20 kg.
2. This commodity has no brake, it will move automatically on slopes and other places because of gravity and may not stop immediately. Please use it on flat ground.
3. This product is a toy, not suitable to be used as a traffic tool and ride on the highway.
4. The product should be installed by adults and can only be used under the direct supervision of adults, avoiding falls or collisions that cause damage to users or third parties.
5. Protective equipment should be worn.

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