If you are not in a relationship and are currently exploring, it may be used for love matching or marriage matching purposes as a basic starting point. Love compatibility and marriage compatibility can be very different.Get the love compatibility of you and your life partner from an Expert astrologer on Astrogurutips App. This kundali matching app for marriage based on Vedic astrology. Kundali Match is built on Ashtakuta method. In Ashtakuta Kundali milan, eight different personality characteristics of the couple are compared and assigned certain points based on compatibility match. The final result depends on the summation of points assigned to all personality aspects. If you use this free hindi kundali sofwrare, you don't need to meet any astrologer for kundali matching. For more information click here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.astrogurutips&hl=en
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