Agile scrum certification - If you are thinking Agile/Scrum practical training exams, Become a certified scrum master with our online courses helping you develop agile skills and become a leader in your field.
Online courses
Scrum Master
A Scrum Master is a servant leader accountable for facilitating Scrum adoption. He/she makes Scrum, the agile principles and values understood by the Scrum Team and the organization.
The Scrum Master is also responsible for removing impediments and distractions that can prevent the achievement of goals.
This course will be given by Mirko Perkusich. "Mirko Perkusich holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and professional Scrum certifications (PSM, PSPO, CSM, and CSPO) and has experienced software development projects for ten years delivering products in several domains such as education, social networks, finance, e-commerce, and several others".
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Address: Roodbaardstraat 1/bus 401, 8560 Wevelgem
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