What is deep vein thrombosis?
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious condition in which a blood clot forms in one or more of the deep veins.
The symptoms of a DVT can go unrecognised.
What causes DVT?
Deep vein thrombosis is usually caused by a combination of different underlying conditions:
Restricted movement
Blood flow in the veins is slowed down because of restricted movement for a long period of time (illness, after surgery, long-distance traveling).
Blood clots form more easily than normal
The risk of getting DVT is increased with a condition that causes blood to clot (coagulate) more easily than normal. Some of these conditions include:
1 cancer and cancer treatments
2 heart disease and lung disease
3 thrombophilia, a genetic condition where the blood has an increased tendency to clot
Read More - http://acgmedicalsupply.com/deep-vein-thrombosis-dvt/
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