274 Madison Ave, Suite 402
New York, NY 10016
(646) 647 8425
Mon-Fri 8 a.m - 7 p.m
Cash, all cc, checks
The accounting services you receive from your personal CPAs in NYC are customized to your specific needs. Accountant services are nothing to take for granted — from your personal finances to your business interests. Your accountants should remain loyal to your interests at every turn.
Your business plays an integral part in your life. It provides the independence you seek to live your life fully. Your business defines how you see yourself and how the world views you. It allows you to support and grow a solid, stable home and family. It supports employees and their families, while also serving an important role in your community. That’s an enormous responsibility.
No one wants to do the business bookkeeping, but it’s one of those things that absolutely must be done — and done well. If you want to continue focusing on your business strengths, hire a professional bookkeeping for small business firm. You can enjoy your freedom — both personally and professionally — when you rely on the services of a professional accounting firm.
Individuals and businesses alike especially in NYC need to have a clear financial picture of the current New York landscape. Whether you’re taking over your family business, coming up on retirement or just beginning to build your wealth, you need to know how to write a strategic financial plan.
Planning for retirement is a balancing act. You work hard for your money, and of course you want to enjoy the luxuries your wealth enables you to have. At the same time, you don’t want to suddenly find yourself at retirement age without the means to enjoy your later years in the lifestyle you’ve become accustomed to. Retirement Planning is the key to a well planned future.
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